Lockdown still very much in force...the Gastronomie are hoping Easter will be a date to get things going again.
My good friend Karl Hodapp...Rebstock...Gasthof/Restaurant in Waldulm...has not been sitting around doing nothing. He has his vineyards...and he has his 'Brennerei'...Distillery.
Evenings he has free of course...so I was there for two days. Spent the daytime walking, listening to music and reading. Just relaxing from the day job.
I arrived midday...and where was he?...in the Brennerei with son Basti.
Basti ist 13...been driving a tractor for 20 years. 

I unpacked and took the walk high up to Karl's best plot...Russhalde...naked of course at this time of year...but all prepared for the coming months.
Karl no longer sends his grapes to the local Co-Op.
Andreas Männle in Durbach has the recent vintage. We hope for great things.
Walking back down...the smoke from the Brennerei confirmed what Karl was doing.
That evening we were just the two of us...as Basti was with his grandparents.
Karl's lady Laura had prepared a dish already in the oven.
I had bought along all the wines for the two days...and this evening the first was a recent favourite. I have been trying a few White Burgundies recently.
Marc Colin Chassagne Montrachet Les Cailleretes 2015
It costs € 80,-- which for top wines from this area...is fairly reasonable!
This is already quite open and forward. Lightly toasted, lemon tart, hazelnut aromas. Lemon and citrus notes. Light on it's feet with a gentle creamy texture and a fine finish.
Points 18
Hirtzberger Honivogl Grüner Veltliner 1994
The second wine had my name on a white label on the top...in Karl's handwriting. He asked why...then remembered that the wine had already paid a visit to Waldulm a few years before...not been touched...and had been transported back to my cellar
I had brought along my Butler's Friend...as I expected that the cork would not freely leave it's partner. Clever Barry...but it was not fooled...the Butler got fired...and Karl left and returned with a decanter. Pushing the cork into the bottle as we poured...the medium dark yellow liquid flowed into it's temporary home.
Wonderful nose...Grüner Veltliner extra class. Flavours threw up spices and loads of nuance. Still amazingly young. A real experience.
Points 18.5
A good night's sleep...breakfast I bought at the local cafe and ate in the car.
Off to Achern...first Cafe Glatt...to pick up some chocolates that my wife likes.
Then to the local Supermarket to buy for the evening meal. I was cooking. Me...cooking for a top Chef!
Bought some Sushi from the Supermarket and sat out on my balcony...the sun was pleasant. Had a nap...then up to Karl's apartment. I had the key...so did not have to trouble him...happily burning fruit a hundred metres away.
I was going to prepare a Thai-Style curry...WITH PULPO.
I had wanted the arms only...but at the Supermarket...without my glasses...(can't see with them wearing a mask) ...and standing a few metres from the display... I had pointed to some Pulpo. It was not until I arrived back and opened up the package...that I saw it was not cooked. You have to laugh...and it went into the Bio-bin. I did tell Karl to empty it in the evening! I had enough other items...so it was a Vegetable Curry.
Basti was with us this evening and kindly gave the thumbs up to my food.
Karl ate 3 portions! I rest my case!
The Grosset Polish Hill Riesling 2018 was enjoyed with the Curry.

Two 25 year old French ladies (reds are male, whites are female)...were to be tasted tonight.
The Corovin was the tool to be used to extract the liquid.
Ampeau Puligny-Montrachet Les Combettes 1996
Golden colour...nose flinty....apples and vanilla. Buttery...still some oak. Flavours of burnt walnuts and caramel.
Points 17.5
Ampeau Meursault Charmes 1996
Coravin pressed down...OK...for the first glasses. Next time...Coravin pressed down...cork went down.
Gold colour...nuttiness...toasted ok...but not harmonius. We concentrated on the sister. Karl said he would try it again next day. He did...and the day after that...it just went on improving. So my points really do not do it justice.
Points 17....Karl marked it 94/100 after 2 days. Lucky guy!
Again...a great evening.
Next morning...breakfast in the car...the Autobahn was empty on a Saturday...and I was home in 90 Minutes. Porsche Cayenne...had it 10 years now...still wonderful!
Unpacked...prepared lunch...sun was shining
Had my Havana Cigar ready...doorbell rang.
Package...bottles of wine...does it never end?